Archeologists in Israel have found the ancient ruins of a house located in the Megiddo Valley, which we know as the place called ‘Armageddon’. The house dates back to 230 A.D. and was used for Christian worship, as it has a mosaic on the floor which says, “The God-loving Akeptous has offered the table to God Jesus Christ as a memorial.”
Akeptous is believed to be the name of a woman who paid for the communion table. What an amazing testimony to the deity of Jesus Christ, found in a person’s house!
In the years to come, when people unearth your house, will they find any testimony to Jesus Christ? Are there Bible verses on your walls, or Christian slogans that bring glory to Jesus as God? Will they find a Bible in the living room for all to see? Offering envelopes on kitchen table? A church calendar hanging on the fridge?
There is plenty of evidence in your home that YOU live there; but how much evidence that Jesus lives there?
Mat_5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.