Why We Exist

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   –  2 Timothy 2:2



We envision PWBC to become the ‘premier institution’ that produces exceptional leaders who will work in communities and churches to help with their spiritual and family needs in Canada and other parts of the world.



The mission of PWBC is to train men and women with Biblical and social skills to help prepare for use in Christian ministry such as pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and church workers. This mission then continues on as graduates of PWBC continue to train others in local churches.

Institutional Objectives 

  • Develop a proper understanding of the Bible and to make it the authority and foundation of their lives
  • Develop habits consistent with mature Christian character and cultivating appreciation for the standards of the College and its Christian position
  • Improves the ability to think logically, spiritually, and effectively; understand and evaluate the thoughts of others; engage in independent research; and benefit from all knowledge and experience in the context of a Christian world-view.
  • Grow in understanding and appreciation for various Christian ministries, gaining the knowledge and skills needed to enter the ministry in which they believe God is leading them.
  • To help them use their knowledge, abilities, and experience to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to train others.


Core Values

Integrity towards the Word of God

The Word of God (Bible) is the sole authority for faith and practice and is what is carefully taught to the students.

Character Building

The goal of each Christian is to emulate what Christ would do in every aspect of life. The standards we teach are there to help establish this core value.

Efficiency in Teaching the Gospel of Christ

As Christians, one of our main reasons of being on Earth is to share with others the life changing Gospel message of Christ throughout the entire world.

Teamwork with Other Local Churches

The College provides on-the-job training to its students, in cooperation with other local churches, to further develop their future skills.

Community Bonding

The students and staff develop a close close bond that allows them to remain encouraged and motivated to keep on training until graduation.

Responsibility in Leadership

We believe that leaders show responsibility when they duplicate their lives in other people. Accordingly, We teach the students how to train other men and women to become leaders.



PREach and teach sound doctrine

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15