Student Life

PW Baptist College works to maintain a safe environment, strives to provide an enjoyable experience, and endeavours to produce a vibrant spiritual atmosphere

Spiritual Life

Here at Pacific West Baptist College, we are concerned primarily with the student’s spiritual growth. Students are constantly encouraged to have a strong day-by-day walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. Students are always reminded to develop a habitual devotional life and a stable ‘prayer-closet’, which are vital to Christian growth. Students are also privileged to sit in Chapel services every week and are challenged by great preaching brought by the college president, teachers or church staff, and other invited preachers. All students are required to attend Chapel.


Ministry opportunities

Pacific West Baptist College is under the ministry of Grace Baptist Church. This means that students have an amazing opportunity to participate in a wide variety of church ministries, which is a blessing to the church and doubles as practical, hands-on training. 



Student Life

Being with other Christians strengthens Christian growth as we fellowship and encourage one another. Students who come to Pacific West Baptist College receive an education in the Bible, and in ministries, and in diversity of culture and backgrounds. 

There is also a range of exciting, planned activities and various events, hosted by either PWBC or Grace Baptist Church, that students may attend. These events strengthen social skills, and allow the use of God-given gifts and talents, as well as creating lasting memories.


Success Stories




Happy Students


Years Experience


September 01 at 09:00 am

Grace Baptist Church Auditorium

September 02 at 09:00 am

Grace Baptist Church Auditorium

September 03 at 09:00 am

Grace Baptist Church Auditorium

Your Future Starts Here.

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” – Isaiah 6:8