“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

This one-year program of study will provide a certificate in Christian Life Foundation. Upon completion of the program, the student should have a solid foundation in the Bible. Students should possess clear knowledge and skills to effectively do Christian service in any field of ministry God may lead them to and use.
This four-year program of study will provide a major in Pastoral Ministries. Upon completion, students (specifically men) should have a deeper understanding of the Scriptures. They should possess a clear knowledge of the New Testament church and its ministries, a reasonable ability to translate the Greek New Testament, a commitment to their personal call from God, and know how the church functions to engage our lost world and fulfill the Great Commission.

This four-year program of study will provide a major in Missions. Upon completion, students should receive the tools and training necessary to fulfill the Great Commission on the mission field. Students should have an understanding of the indigenous church process, which is to help establish churches by evangelizing the lost, then establishing more autonomous New Testament churches.
This four-year program of study will provide a major in Theology. Upon completion, students should have a solid and deeper understanding of the Scriptures. They should possess a clear knowledge of all major biblical doctrines, a reasonable ability to translate the Greek New Testament, a commitment to their personal call from God, and the motivation to fulfill the Great Commission.

This four-year program of study will provide a major in Music. Upon completion, students should have a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and a thorough understanding of Christ-centered music. They should possess a knowledge of the purpose of a music ministry in the local church, and the motivation to use music for God’s glory and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
This four-year program of study will provide a major in Christian Education. Upon completion, students should have a deeper knowledge of the Bible and a thorough knowledge of education in the local church. They should understand the learning processes for children through adults including the ministries of the local church in maturing the saints for the work of ministry.

Pacific West Baptist College is an Independent Fundamental Baptist College with unique qualities, aiming to give every student the highest Biblical training at the lowest cost possible.