Keep at It

Pastor Aulin

Soul-winning, like any discipline, takes training and practice.  I recommend starting Soulwinners Academy (SWA) at your church.  This is a six-week, one-hour class equipping God’s people to reach others with the Gospel. This class provides practical tools and six small bible studies to aid in reaching the lost. As the world moves farther away from God the church needs to be proactive at equipping their members to reach a Godless society. SWA is just one of the many tools to aid you in reaching the lost for Christ.

This past fall at Okanagan Valley Baptist Church (OVBC), we conducted our second class of Soulwinners Academy 101.  This class was attended by eleven students eager to learn about effective soul-winning. As a result, each Saturday we have seen an increase in labourers who attend our soul-winning time. Each week they are excited to implement the training they have learned to reach souls for Christ.

Recently, one lady received Christ as her Saviour, a young man complete book one and moved into book two, another man began book one, and an elderly lady completed book three. This is a small sample of how God has been using Soulwinners Academy at OVBC. In conjunction with SWA, we started a street witnessing ministry and a “fire brigade,” (canvassing) ministry.  The varied approaches, and the multiple times, have allowed our people freedom to learn, grow, and experience the discipline of reaching others with the Gospel.

When the church is obedient in the area of soul-winning, God gives the increase. This past week God allowed me to meet with an Iranian man and a businessman in town, concerning their salvation.  Both great visits with an invitation to go back.  Please pray for these men.

At OVBC we have been working with our children’s ministry outreach; applying the tools learned in SWA. God has allowed us to see a high day of fifty-one children; forty-seven children rode the church bus and the other four children were from a first-time visiting family.  As we reach new milestones, see souls saved, and people being discipled; it brings excitement and a revival spirit to the church.

I share this for two reasons; first, to give God all the glory.  For without Christ we can do nothing.  Secondly, to encourage other Pastor’s and churches to consider starting their own Soulwinners Academy.  This will help train your people to reach your community with the gospel, produce a revival spirit, and strengthen your world-wide mission’s program.

The church is great at implementing all kinds of programs, but have YOU considered a program for your soul-winning?

For more information on how you can start your own Soul Winner’s Academy please feel to contact me at

Richard Aulin, Pastor
Okanagan Valley Baptist Church

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