Now, Is This Being Unthankful, or What?


A wealthy family, living in northern India, decided to give a brand-new BMW car (worth $64,000) to their young son for his birthday.  The young man had wanted a Jaguar car and was so upset that he promptly threw the car in the river!

It sounds hard to believe but, upon seeing his BD gift, he pushed it in a local river to show his anger.  Because of heavy rainfall, the car was swept away quite a distance before getting stuck on a bank of tall grass.  (photo)

Someone took a video showing the angry young man and some of his friends trying to recover the white BMW using an inflatable raft.

How ungrateful some people can be!  Many people would be so thankful to be given even an old, used car!

This just MIGHT be one reason why God does not entrust more things into the hands of His children – perhaps because we don’t show thankfulness for what He has ALREADY given us.

In any event, it’s a good lesson for us all to show God thankfulness every day for all His blessings.

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

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