Strange and Unusual STORIES
by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
Blind Date A Disaster!
Here’s a strange story that comes out of Zhejiang Province, in China. A young man was having trouble finding a girlfriend during the Covid pandemic, so his mother set him up on a blind date at a restaurant.
When he went to the restaurant, the girl was there… plus 23 of her relatives! She said, “Let’s all eat!”, so he sat at the table. Many expensive dishes were brought to the table, and finally, the young man was presented with a bill of almost $4,000!
Frightened to death, the young man sneaked out of the restaurant, leaving the girl to pay the bill, and he returned home to his mother. Later, when asked why she brought her family to the restaurant, the girl said she was ‘testing’ the young man to see if he were generous.
We find the story a bit humorous, but it certainly illustrates what happens in life when we leave the Lord Jesus out of our daily lives. It’s almost like going on a ‘blind date’ with the world. You just never know how many disasters COULD have been avoided had we only spent some precious time alone with Jesus every morning in the Prayer Closet.
Tomorrow morning, would you leave yourself some time to spend alone with your Bible and with Jesus? Carefully read a portion of God’s Word and then pour your heart out to the Lord, praying also for your family members and for your church and pastor. Then go forth in confidence that the Lord Jesus is in control!
Psalm 63:1-2, O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land,
where no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.
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