Strange and Unusual STORIES

by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
Aladdin's Lamp For Sale!

Aladdin is a Middle-Eastern folk tale about a poor young man (Aladdin) who comes into the possession of an oil lamp that contains a magical genie who grants wishes and makes Aladdin rich and powerful. Nobody really believes this, right?
A medical doctor in India, named LA Khan, was called to a house to treat a woman, in the city of Meerut (north east of New Delhi). While there, 2 men began telling him of an oil lamp that grants wishes.
The doctor visited several times over the month and the men told him amazing stories of the lamp, and even produced the ‘genie’ of the lamp. So, they managed to sell the lamp (shown in the photo) to the doctor for over $54,000, who later realized he had been duped and called the police.
We laugh at people who get easily fooled like this, but the devil does it all the time to people all over the world when it comes to their beliefs about the afterlife. Estimates say there are about 4,200 different types of religions in the world today and the Bible says there is only ONE way, and that’s through Jesus Christ.
This means that there are 4,199 religious ‘Aladdin’s Lamps’ in the world today, all promising some sort of immortality; and then there is ONE Saviour – Jesus Christ, who alone can forgive sins.
This is why we need gospel-preaching Missionaries who can go around the world and help turn lost people from being duped by Satan to knowing the truth that is in Jesus.
Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
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