Strange and Unusual STORIES

by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
Wherefore Let Him That Standeth Take Heed!

A popular pastor in the Cameroons, Frankline Ndifor, claimed he could cure Coronavirus, and has died barely a week after contracting the disease (photo left).
A Charismatic evangelical pastor, Bishop Gerald O. Glenn, who claimed that people are healed in his church, has died of COVID-19 after defying all Covid-19 safety rules (photo right). He told his people “God is larger than Covid-19”.
Covid-19 seems to be a strange mix of both truth and error, and it’s got a grip on the world. How is this even possible? A nail gun and table saw, used to construct a house, are both safe and deadly at the same time, and the wise carpenter will exercise care when using them.
We just don’t know all what God (or the devil) is going to do with Covid-19, but if we are wise, we will exercise caution and care when we need to.
The same could be said about temptations to sin. Let us not be too boastful about how strong we are against sin.
1 Cor. 10:12, Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
The pastors, mentioned above, made bold statements of standing, and now they have both fallen. Let’s not do the same.
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