Strange and Unusual STORIES

by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
Single Mom Marries Her Carpet!

26-year-old single mother in Stockport, Eng., has shown us just how crazy the world has become. In December 2019, she held an elaborate wedding ceremony and married her carpet, whom she calls Mat!
In her own words, she said, “I am a little obsessed with Mat. When the kids are in bed, I’ll often just lie down with him and tell him my most private thoughts. I’m a single mum, so he’s become a confidant and I always seem to be able to think things through properly when we’ve been together.”
Years ago, we’d call people like this ‘crazy’ and we’d get them under psychiatric help, but these days, anything goes! Perhaps this is just one more SIGN that we live in the End Times.
Now is the time for older Christian men and women to do all they can to teach the younger ones to live their lives for Jesus Christ, like it says about the older Christian women in Titus 2:4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.
We can’t stop the world from going crazy, but we don’t have to follow in their footsteps. Now is the time for Christians everywhere to let their light shine for Jesus Christ.
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