Strange and Unusual STORIES
by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
A Unique Hobby!
Some people collect weird things. Manfred Rothstein has collected 675 backscratchers from 71 different countries. Carol Vaugn collected over 5,000 bars of soap from around the world. I, myself, have collected hundreds of ‘toothpaste tube caps’ in a large jar. But, for the last 2 years, 19-year-old Shreya Mohapatra, in India, has been collecting the mosquitoes that have tried to bite her!
Shreya found it a pleasant relief from all the pressures of her school work, to whack the daylights out of an offending mosquito and then paste its dead body into a book and numbering them.
After collecting 187 mosquitoes, Shreya shared her hobby online and received 110,000 ‘likes’.
Now, as Christians, what if we had a ‘book’ into which we pasted the evidence of spiritual victories and triumphs over bad habits and besetting sins! Now, what would THAT book look like?!
The truth is, every Christian can have such a book; or call it a ‘Diary of Spiritual-Victories’. Perhaps, if God has given you a victory over smoking you could paste in a cigarette butt. If God has given you victory over greed, you could find an old penny and paste it in there.
In my own life, every time God would give me a victory over one of Satan’s ‘fiery darts of temptation’ or over fear or guilt, I would write it on a small paper and hang it on the wall of my Prayer Closet like a trophy! They also serve as future reminders of how I got the victory, in case, later, Satan throws the same dart at me.
Be as it may, EVERY Christian ought to have some trophies of spiritual victories or some sort of book or diary that they can visit every so often; or use it to be a blessing to another Christian who might be struggling. Making such a ‘book’ would be a worthwhile hobby!
1John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
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