Strange and Unusual STORIES
by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
Bubba Ate Up the Family Christmas Dinner
On Thursday, December 24, 2020, David Barrett and his family (who live in Prestwick, Scotland) were looking forward to a lovely Christmas dinner, when they suddenly discovered it was a mess!
Their 5-year-old dog (named Bubba) had gotten to the kitchen first and found the dinner and ate it up. Bubba then collapsed on the floor, unable to move! David tweeted the photo. “No chance has ma dog just scranned the whole turkey for tomorrow,” he wrote before sharing a picture of “the culprit”.
This hilarious story about Bubba eating the Christmas dinner reminds us of certain people who cannot wait upon the Lord for certain things, but must do everything in their power to get them ASAP. This is sad.
The Bible says in Proverbs 20:21 An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed. Bubba got what she wanted in a hurry, but she suffered for it afterwards.
What will happen in 2022? Will God bless us this coming year? God WANTS to bless His children, but we must wait upon the Lord for HIS timing and not try to force things with OUR sense of the here and now.
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