Strange and Unusual STORIES
by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
"Am I Still in Hell?"
Back in March 2019, the heavy metal band called “Death Angel” was doing a tour in Europe when Covid-19 broke out, and they had to return to the USA. On the flight back home, the drummer, named Will Carroll, began developing Covid-19 symptoms and ended up in a coma for 12 days.
While in the coma, Carroll experienced some realistic dreams about going to hell in which Satan morphed into a horrible creature from Star Wars and started punishing him for his sins!
When Carroll finally awoke from his coma, his first words were, “Am I still in hell?”
We hope that Carroll would see the light and get his heart right with Jesus Christ, but instead, here’s what he said in an interview: I’m still going to listen to satanic metal, and I still love bands like that. As far as my personal life and my experience of what I went through, I don’t think Satan’s quite as cool as I used to.”
Sadly, there are way too many people who, even if they visited hell itself, will still not get right with God. Pharaoh experienced the 10 plagues from God and still didn’t get his heart right with God. Judas Iscariot felt the horror of his betrayal of Jesus Christ but still didn’t get his heart right with God either.
Yet, the Great Commission, given to all churches by Jesus Christ, is to take the message of salvation to every person on earth – whether they will receive it or reject it.
Mat 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
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