Strange and Unusual STORIES
by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
A Half-Million Dollar Game of Rock, Paper, Scissors!
In January 2011, Edmund Hooper and Michel Primeau (two Canadian men) wagered a whopping $517,000 on three simple Rock, Paper, Scissors games.
Hooper lost and had to take out a mortgage on his house to pay off the debt. They even had a notarized contract that mentioned the mortgage on Hooper’s house. So, in 2017, a Supreme Court Justice ruled that Hooper doesn’t have to pay because the amount wagered was excessive. Primeau appealed the decision but lost.
Some people look upon this life as nothing more than a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. If they lose, they die, and all existence comes to an end – no afterlife – nothing to pay. Perhaps the rich man in Luke 16 had this philosophy about life, and yet, after he died, he lifted up his eyes in hell.
There is no forgiveness for the soul that goes to hell. There is no Supreme Court to let them off the hook.
Luke 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
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