Ministry and Pastoral Studies Courses
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16
MPS 113 Public Speaking
This course is designed to help the individual student be an effective speaker for the Lord. During this course, the student will learn some general tips and guidelines when speaking in public—whether in front of a class, behind the pulpit, or even giving a speech at a wedding. For some, speech comes more naturally; for others, it can be a bit terrifying. Regardless of who we are, we must learn to use this special gift that God has given to each of us for His honour and glory.
MPS 123 Personal Spiritual Development
This is a study of the principles of prayer and devotional life. It is designed as apractical course for anyone desiring to deepen their relationship with God.
MPS 213 Homiletics I [MALE STUDENTS]
This course is designed to help the individual student be an effective speaker/preacher for the Lord. During this course, the student will learn some general tips and guidelines when speaking in public, while emphasizing the structure of writing a sermon or teaching a lesson from the Bible. Homiletics I is a great start for any person looking to enhance their preaching or teaching skills in a local church. The prerequisite for this course is Public Speaking.
MPS 243 Assisting the Pastor
This is a study of the principles needed to appropriately assist a pastor. It is designed as a practical course for anyone desiring to hold a staff position in the local church.
MPS 313 Homiletics II [MALE STUDENTS]
The prerequisite for this class is Homiletics I, thus the nature of this course is to continue and to perfect the teachings previously taught while learning new and helpful information that will aid any student in their preaching and teaching. In Homiletics I, students were taught the basics of structuring an outline, but in Homiletics II the student will learn more about the character of the speaker and the importance of living a holy life unto the Lord.
MPS 353 Biblical Counseling I
A general overview of Biblical Counseling. This course is designed to equip students to bring individuals to the one true Counselor. We will learn what life issues discipleship is and how to effectively use God’s word to disciple people to a closer relationship with Him.
MPS 363 Biblical Counseling II
This is a study in advancing our knowledge in Biblical Counseling. To help learn how to identify the real needs an issue’s an individual is facing and disciple them to a closer relationship with God.
MPS 433 Marriage and Christian Home
A general overview of Marriage and Christian Home. This course will cover information including how to establish and maintain a Godly relationship, raising children for the glory of God, pitfalls to avoid in ministry concerning your wife and children in the ministry.
PREach and teach sound doctrine
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15