Bible Courses

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

BIB 111 Old Testament Survey

A general overview of the message of each Old Testament book, including how they relate to one other to form the whole, pertinent introductory issues (author, date, occasion, uniqueness, etc.), a biblical theology of the Old Testament, and the chronological developments in the history of Israel.

BIB 131 Understanding the Bible

The purpose of this course is to gain a survey of the Bible, learn how it is organized, how to study books and topics, how to correctly interpret the Bible, and how to use Bible study aids. At the end of this course, the student will have a general knowledge of the whole Bible and a working knowledge of how to study and correctly apply the Bible to everyday life.

BIB 151 Bible and Science

This course is designed to give the student a greater appreciation for both the Bible and science. Furthermore, the course will demonstrate the fallacies, compromises, defenses and so-called sciences of the modern day. In the end, the student should be able to deduce logically what is for and against what the Bible teaches.

BIB 121 New Testament Survey

A survey of the message of each of the 27 New Testament books, their relationships to each other, introductory issues (author, date, occasion, uniqueness, etc.) and factors in the first century (e.g., chronology and history) that influence the life ad ministry of the early church as well as affect the mission of the church today.  

BIB 141 Harmony of the Gospels

This course will examine how the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) unify and form a cohesive narrative and account of Jesus’ life and ministry. Each book of the Gospel, by itself, gives a specific account of Christ’s life. However, once unified, the Gospels, as a whole, provides the believer with the most complete picture of Christ’s character and work.

BIB 161 Life of Christ

This course is an in-depth look at the harmonizing of the Gospels. It looks at the major chronological periods in the life of our Lord. The Lord’s life and teachings will be examined with special emphasis on the crucifixion week.

BIB 211 Methods of Bible Study

An introduction to the numerous methods by which the Scriptures may be studied and then taught to others. Includes instruction on basic interpretive principles of Bible study, the proper use of Bible study tools, and effective teaching methods.

BIB 131 Pentateuch

A study of the background, purpose, plan, and message of the books of Moses, involving the practical application of doctrinal truth to the life of the student.

BIB 251 Bible Geography

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge of geographical and historical details that are mentioned in the Bible and to instill in the student a greater appreciation for Bible geography.

BIB 271 Creation Apologetics

This course examines the biblical and philosophical basis for making a rational defense of the Christian faith, with a Creation focus. After briefly comparing approaches of apologists in church history and in contemporary times, the student will be equipped with a Presuppositional Approach designed to help him effectively communicate the basis for his/ her faith in an intellectually congruent manner, relying on the Holy Spirit for evangelistic results. The intersection of the apologetic task with critical contemporary issues of ethics, science, history, and archaeology will also be examined.

BIB 221 Historical Books

This course is designed to help the individual student have a better understanding and appreciation for 12 historical books of the Bible.

BIB 261 Hermeneutics I

Hermeneutics is the study of the general principles of biblical interpretation. This course is a survey of the nature, methods, and issues of biblical interpretation. We desire through this course to gain a greater understanding of the primary purpose of hermeneutics, and the exegetical methods employed in interpretation.

BIB 311 Poetic Books

An examination of the wisdom books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon, including a careful study of the background (historical setting, authorship, structure) as well as the Messianic passages in these books.

BIB 331 Prison Epistles

This course is designed to give the student a greater understanding of the letters Paul wrote while imprisoned. The background, problems, doctrines and practical applications will also be explored so that the student may be able to think critically and with understanding for future study.

BIB 321 Pastoral Epistles

This course is designed to help the individual student be an effective leader for the Lord. The Pastoral Epistles not only defines the qualifications of being a pastor, but also provides a wealth of information for all ages how they should conduct themselves amidst a world of sin. Despite being young, Timothy was able to become a magnificent leader for the Lord with the godly wisdom and counsel of the aged, Apostle Paul.

BIB 341 Romans and Galatians

The book of Romans is a comprehensive letter that features key Christian doctrines. It primarily addresses the important doctrines regarding salvation. 


The book of Galatians is known by some as “short Romans” for it covers similar themes and principles. 


Studying these two books will not only enrich your walk with God but will increase your understanding and knowledge of God’s teachings and help you defend these vital doctrines of the faith.

BIB 411 Major Prophets

This course is a general study of each of the OT Major Prophet books’ messages. Relationships between the prophets are considered and fundamental introductory issues (author, date, occasion, uniqueness, etc.), studies of foreign countries that affected Israel, biblical theology of the OT, and chronological developments in Israel’s history.

BIB 421 Minor Prophets

This class will aim to present an overview of the period of the Old Testament Prophets, specifically Minor Prophets from the Pre-Exilic to the Post-Exilic period. The purpose is to become acquainted with the role of a prophet, the issues, main themes, historical and Biblical (Chronological) background and the relevance of their message for their times and for today.

BIB 441 Dispensationalism

This course is designed to give the student an introductory understanding of the Bible in its dispensations. This will be in contrast of the Covenant Theology view.

PREach and teach sound doctrine

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15