Strange and Unusual STORIES

by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
What Would You Do?

Sora News 24 reports that a few years ago, in central China, there was a husband and wife (Mr. and Mrs. Chen) who owned a small farm. They had a small pig that they wanted to sell, so Mrs. Chen went to get the pig.
The pig ran away from Mrs. Chen and accidentally fell into a 2-meter-deep hole of human waste.
Mrs. Chen secured a rope and climbed down into the cesspool to get the pig.
However, she was overcome by the methane gas from the human waste and she lost consciousness, and fell into the hole. Mr. Chen (himself an invalid) managed to climb down after her and carried his wife up, handing her to some neighbours who came to help. But then, Mr. Chen was overcome by the methane gas and he fell back down into the hole! The neighbours managed to get a rope around Mr. Chen’s foot and pull him up out of the hole. The Chens were taken to the hospital and made a recovery, but we don’t know if the pig lived or died.
It was a mistake for Mrs. Chen to climb down into the cesspool after the pig and Mr. Chen should probably have stopped her from going down. Both of them nearly died. This is not a happy story.
After Creation, when God made Adam and Eve, Eve took the forbidden fruit and ate it, which was a mistake. Then Adam took the fruit, which was an even bigger mistake. That mistake brought sin and death upon all the human race! Eve should not have taken the fruit, and Adam should have stopped her from taking it. But what’s done is done.
But God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Jesus went down into the cesspool of human sin and misery and experienced death and punishment for every person. He died in our place so that we do not have to be separated from God in hell. Heaven is now a gift for anyone who will repent of their sin and believe in Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
And THAT is a happy ending to the story of ANYONE’s life.
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