Strange and Unusual STORIES

by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
They Are Starting to Admit What We Know is True

For a long time, we have known that this so-called modern Christian music not only has a worldly beat to it, but that it often teaches things that are not Biblically true. Lately, the musicians themselves are starting to realize that there are problems with the modern stuff, such as lack of Biblical content and even heresies.
For example, recording artist and worship leader Mackenzie Morgan has come out about what she calls the “heretical teachings of Bethel Music, Elevation and Hillsong Worship”. She said she is now grieved over what she used to support and she called out pastor/songwriter Steve Furtick and his heresy in denying the Trinity.
Another modern Christian musical artist is Keith Getty, who has made many public statements about the unbiblical music being pumped out by the modern Christian music industry.
The hymns that we all love have stood the test of time have all given us good Biblical teaching, and they provided Christians with the ability they needed to get through 2 world wars.
Today’s modern Christian music industry does none of these things. It’s nothing but a money-making business, specializing in cranking out fun, feel-good songs that have little or nothing to do with Biblical truth.
Many years ago, a Christian rock musician named Dan Lucarini started reading his Bible and discovered that the music he had been promoting in churches was not Biblical. So, he left it and turned to more conservative Christian music and he eventually wrote a book entitled, “Why I Left the CCM Movement”. I recommend you read this book.
It’s no mistake that the Bible says in Col_3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
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