Strange and Unusual STORIES

by Dr. Steven White
President of PWBC
Destroyed For A Fly!

In September of 2020, an unidentified 82-year-old man had just sat down to dinner in his house, in the small village of Parcoul-Chenaud, France, when he became annoyed by a buzzing fly.
The man began to swat the fly with an electric fly swatter. Unfortunately, there was a gas leak inside his house, which caused an explosion, which brought down part of his kitchen and partly damaged the roof of his house. Fortunately, the man suffered only a burn to his hand.
Things like this happen from time to time. In 2018, a man in California set his parents’ house on fire while trying to burn some spiders. And an Australian blew up his house while trying to burn cockroaches.
It’s a sad day when we destroy our house while trying to kill a fly.
Sometimes, while trying to prove a point, or while trying to correct some bad behaviour, we can be guilty of destroying our home, or our kids, or our marriage. Our intentions may have been right, but it’s a mistake to throw gasoline on a fire.
Prov. 11:29 says, He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind. This simply means that if we ‘trouble’ our families, then we will end up all alone. But sometimes it’s not always that simple.
Prov. 15:27 says, He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house. This means that if we are greedy of getting money (which is common here in Canada) then we will ‘trouble’ our house; and if we ‘trouble’ our house, then we will drive them away and end up all alone.
We will have destroyed our house for the sake of destroying a fly! That’s a serious mistake.
So, let’s keep Christ the Head of our homes and preserve the unity of our families.
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